Meet Our Authors

'When you have a story in your heart but need the encouragement and empowerment to find your voice, Tina Welsome is a caring and supportive guide, and a genuinely curious listener, with a desire to walk alongside you as you share your Authenticity.' 

~ Kristina Brummer, Author,
Authentic: Courageous Humans Who Changed Their Lives By Rewriting Their Stories

April Smith Swe

'Pink Bunny And Authenticity'


Bridget Aileen Sicsko

'Unwilling to Compromise'

Connect with Bridget

Brittany Tibbitts, RDH

'Elle Potential'

Connect with Brittany

Christine Santos


Connect with Christine

Cindy Rodriguez

'Soul On Fire'

Connect with Cindy

Cinthia Hiett

'Can Fairytales Be Real?'

Connect with Cinthia

David Sacha

'Selflessness: The Fear of Loving Yourself'

Connect with David

Erik Symes

'Confronting Depression with Authenticity'

Connect with Erik

Graham G Wheatcroft

'From Anxiety to a Resilient Lifestyle'

Connect with Graham

Greg Spector

'My Kintsukuroi Soul'

Connect with Greg

'When you have a story in your heart but need the encouragement and empowerment to find your voice, Tina Welsome is a caring and supportive guide, and a genuinely curious listener, with a desire to walk alongside you as you share your Authenticity.' 

~ Kristina Brummer, Author,
Authentic: Courageous Humans Who Changed Their Lives By Rewriting Their Stories